Sustainability concept

Nature and its protection are close to our hearts. We love the vast, wildlife-rich nature of the Wadden Sea World Heritage Site and want to help preserve it. We made a conscious decision to buy and renovate an old house as a vacation home.

We have also always attached importance to sustainable solutions in remodeling and renovation. The building materials used are suitable for allergy sufferers, and for the furniture we have paid attention to high-quality, durable and timeless furnishings. When it comes to electrical appliances, look for good energy efficiency.

In the welcome bag you will find sustainable cleaning products from the company Everdrop, in the bathroom homemade soaps from Grachtenfräulein from Friedrichstadt. Our garden is irrigated by a rainwater cistern.

When replanting, we make sure to use native plants that are bird and bee friendly.


Please make sure to use water and electricity sparingly.


Please separate waste into residual waste, paper and packaging with the green dot. Appropriate receptacles are available on the property.
